Convolvulus tricolor minor is a Dwarf Morning Glory that is low-growing and creates a mound of lovely foliage a blooms. This variety, Rose Ensign, has 2 inch blooms that are rose with yellow throats and white edges, and they are trumpet-shaped.
Morning glory is a vining plant this is low growing only reaching 8 inches in height. It grows across the country in USDA zones 3 - 10.
Rose Ensign has a long bloom season, from early summer up until frosts in the fall, and it enjoys a position in full sun to partial shade. This variety can be grown non-supported in containers and baskets and is very nice hanging over the edges.
Morning Glory also has lovely foliage, deep green, heart-shaped leaves that provide the perfect back-drop for the colorful blooms. Morning Glory seed has a hard seed coat.
To improve germination, nick the seed with a knife and soak the seed overnight in tap water. Start the seeds directly outside in a sunny location after danger of frost has passed. Use 3 - 4 seeds per mound and space the mounds about 20 inches apart, cover with ¼ inch of soil and keep the seed moist.
Germination is usually within 21 days. In areas with a late spring, the seed can be started indoors and transplanted outside when the seedlings have 2 - 3 leaves.